Mike and Dom: Are those my feet?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Who are you? What's That in there? Are those my feet!?

Starting a new:

Welcome to arethosemyfeet, the brand spanking new blog from long term mates and students Mike and Dom. This blog continues on from tourette-icalmoments.blogspot.com a blog which, although many loved, few could spell.

Its not just us that have moved on though, in our year away at different uni's Blogging technology has passed as by. Now, God help you, you can see and hear our toomfoolery here on the blog as we focus in on the wacky the insane and downright odd.

We hope that you enjoy the site; don't forget to add us to favourites and check back to see what the hell we have been up to.

For now three questions should remain on your lips. Who are you? What's that in there? Are those my feet?